State Profile
POPULATION (As per 2011 census)
Population | 913.48 lac |
Rural Population | 657.97 lac |
% of rural population | 72.03% |
Male population | 469.27 lac (51.37%) |
Female population | 444.21 lac (48.69%) |
Sex ratio | 1056 :1000 |
Total No. of households | 157.16 lac |
No. of rural households | 111.62 lac |
No. of Urban households | 45.54 lac |
Schedule cast population | 184.53 lac |
Schedule Tribe population | 44.06 lac |
Density of population | 1029 per sq Km |
Urbanization Ratio | 27.97% |
Literacy Level | 626.14 lac ( 68.55%) |
Net per capita income | Rs. 41469/- |
(Data as on 30.06.2015)
Per capita deposit | Rs. 58887.49 |
Per capita advances | Rs. 35112.87 |
CD Ratio | 60% |
West Bengal State at a glance
Geographical Area | 88752 sq km |
Percentage area of State to area of India Union | 2.74% |
Average annual rainfall | 1666 mm |
No. of District | 20 |
No. of Sub-division | 66 |
No. of Block | 341 |
No. of Municipality | 120 |
No. of municipal corporation | 6 |
No. of village | 37945 |
No. of Gram Panchayat | 3354 |
Capital | Kolkata |
No. of minority concentrated districts | 12 # |
Principal Language | Bengali |
Electrified villages | 83.60% |
Airport | Kolkata, Bagdogra, Andal |
Reverine Port | Kolkata, Haldia |
# (1) Howrah | (2) Kolkata | (3) Burdwan | (4) Nadia |
(5) 24 Parganas (North) | (6) 24 Parganas (South) | (7) Malda | (8) Murshidabad |
(9) Uttar Dinajpur | (10) Dakshin Dinajpur | (11) Coochbehar | (12) Birbhum |