Adjournment of RFP No.WBSCB/HW/1 dt.23.03.2020 for Empanelment of Vendors for Supply, Installation & Maintenance of Servers, Storages, Desktops, Laptops and Computer Peripherals/Items
Corrigendum- Extension of Last date of Applications for the post of Cooperative Interns for the West Bengal State Coop, Bank & its affiliated DCCBs/CCBs
RFP REF. No. WBSCB/TENDER/EMPANELMENT/Glowsign/1.1 towards Empanelment of vendor for supply and installation of new External Glow Sign Boards, Flex, Vinyl at various Branches and Offices of The West Bengal State Co-operative Bank Ltd
Adjournment of RFP No.WBSCB/HW/1 dt.23.03.2020 for Empanelment of Vendors for Supply, Installation & Maintenance of Servers, Storages, Desktops, Laptops and Computer Peripherals/Items